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Deals & Promos

Many of our homes offer special deals! Including last minute discounts, off-season long weekend discounts, and multi-week discounts.


Off-Season Escapes

Can't break away for a whole week this fall? Stay for a long weekend instead! Check-in on Wednesday or Thursday and check-out on Sunday or Monday and we'll cut the weekly rate by up to 50%!

Homes and availability vary after Labor Day, but email us with your weekend dates and we'll let you know what's open!

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Last Minute Bookings

Booking within 14 or 7 days of your arrival? We'd love to have you!

We'll give you $100 off for reservations made within 14 days of arrival and $150 off for reservations made within 7 days of arrival! 

Details: $100 or $150 discount will be automatically credited to your card once booking is complete. Discount applies to reservations made online only. Please note our cancellation policy whereby all payments made after April 1 are non-refundable.

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Multi-Week Discounts

Relax for longer, and for less. Staying with us for two weeks or more? We don't blame you at all.

Use code 10OFF2PLUS when booking online to save 10% on any remaining consecutive week stays in 2024.

Need help finding options for a longer stay? Email us and we'll let you know what's available.

Online reservations only. Not combinable with other offers. Available for reservations made after May 23, 2024. Offer expires 12/31/24. Although likely to continue in the 2025 season as well!


Discover the charm of our unique vacation rentals, nestled in a picturesque coastal landscape. We focus on providing intimate and customized experiences for a truly special escape.

© 2023 by Port Island Rentals. Design by Fuse Virtual Services.

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PO Box 110

Peaks Island, ME 04108

(207) 766-5966

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